Most Haunted Location I've been to so far!

As I’m working on recording and editing my “Ghost Stories – A Medium’s interaction with the afterlife” audiobook, it has given me an opportunity to really delve back into some of the past experiences I’ve had over my life.  I have had so many interesting and scary experiences that it really is hard for me to pick which place I’ve been to that has been the most haunted.

  As someone who can see spirits and ghosts, I know that most places are haunted or at least have visitors from the other side venturing around a location and when I say most places, I really mean all places, whether that is your home, or a Castle in Scotland, it doesn’t matter there will be spirits visiting and possibly ghosts hanging out. 

  For me, although I’ve been to many places that had a bunch of spirits and ghosts if I had to pick one that is most haunted and that is not my childhood bedroom, (this is hard, there are so many) basing it on the pure volume of spirits and ghosts I encountered on a visit it would have to be Broughty Ferry Castle, in Scotland.  It was a hive of activity inside the castle and on the castle grounds.  From a ghost of a gentleman that wandered the Castle trying to keep visitors from visiting and making the energy extremely uncomfortable to many WWII soldiers hanging out on the castle grounds, plus many others.  It was incredibly busy and uncomfortable for someone who can feel the energy of ghosts. I’m sure places like Culloden would have a ton, I will let you know when I visit but the thing about ghosts and spirits, you just never know, and the places you expect there to be a ton there isn’t and the places you expect to be quieter are the craziest.

  From a perspective of the most interaction and ghost activity that others encountered as well as myself I would have to say that it was Chateau Lake Louise in Alberta, Canada.  This hotel was so active that during my orientation to work there as a Concierge and Front Desk Clerk they discussed the ghosts that inhabit the hotel and how to deal with them when you do run into them, because you will have many encounters with the guests that never leave. You didn’t need to be a medium to have these encounters you just need to be walking past a specific utility closet at the right (or wrong time) to see a ghost of a woman hanging, be near the one restaurant and have a discussion with a piano playing teenager who just disappears after your conversation or taking the kitchen service elevator to bring an item to a guest and having a ghost of a child take you to every floor but the one you want to go to and having a great time at your expense when he popped out as the doors opened or closed playing his version of peek a boo.  

  Chateau Lake Louise was the first place that I had encountered many people witnessing and having paranormal experiences themselves, not stories handed down but actual firsthand stories and not just one or two but multiple stories, it was very exciting.  Most of the places I ventured in Scotland were haunted and very active, compared to Canada (where I live) the country is so old, many of the buildings never mind the castles date back to before Canada was even established as a country. It makes sense that they are extremely active.

  One of the scariest hauntings that sticks out in my mind, was in a fort in Bermuda.  To tell you the truth I’m not sure if it was scary (it really wasn’t) or if it was just the fact that I had not honed my abilities and I was at a point in my life where I was happily ignoring the dead people pretending like I was 100% ‘normal’. I felt that if I just deny they were around all would be ok, and spirits and ghosts would just leave me alone! OMG that makes me laugh!  My husband and I were touring around this fort when we entered a room, this fort had no tour guides, the tours were self-guided and had earphones that you would put on to listen to the history of the fort. We just entered a room when I could hear a moaning noise, I kid you not, the stereo typical haunting moan, the Scooby Do haunting man in a mask moaning.  The hairs on my arms stood at attention, and I stumbled a moment as it was so loud, I glance over at my husband who is standing frozen in fear.  He looks at me and asks me if I heard that noise.  I shrug and try my deflect and ignore skills that I often deployed back then when I was faced with admitting I may have seen or heard something paranormal.  I blamed the high winds that were whipping around the fort at the time.  But then just as I finished my sentence the moaning happened again, this time louder and closer.  We took one look at each other and bolted from the room, we ran as far and as fast as we could, laughing out of fear and our own silliness.  We jumped on our scooter and never returned.  It sounds so funny now, but when I think back to that moment it stands out as one that scared me.  I think that it had a lot to do with the shock of it happening and sharing that experience with someone, it wasn’t just me in the dark in my bedroom, someone else was hearing what I was hearing, I wasn’t crazy, which means I do hear and see what I see, and that freaked me out – sometimes it was easier to just think I had moments of craziness. And I knew which was the scariest part, now that this happened, I was going to have to admit to my husband something I had not admitted to anyone in my life, that I could talk to spirits and see them. 

I’ve had other scary moments with not so nice entities, one that sticks out is cleansing my house of a negative entity that came in with one of my clients, thinking I removed it only to have my cell phone ring and when I looked at who was calling it was my house. Picking it up I only heard static, and I knew that I was not successful at removing this nasty from my home.  It was laughing at me, boy that was a mistake on its part, it was out of my house quicker than you can say Ghost Busters! I don’t really consider these as hauntings more like unwanted house guests that you need to kick out for being bad guests.  There are so many stories and so many spirits/ghosts and I look forward to sharing the stories with you.  

  I’d love to hear if there is a must go haunted location that you have heard of or experienced, and I will add it to my ghost adventure must do list!  Let me know in the comments below!!!
