Walk the talk! Do something today that you don't want to do!
As someone who spends my days advising others how to move forward in their lives, move towards their successes and be the best version of themselves, I like many others who’s, career focus’ on helping others like me do not always walk the talk. What Covid 19 has shown me, is just how much time I spend helping others and completely ignoring myself and not following my own advice.
Covid 19 has been a gift for many people, it has flipped our normal routines upside down and given us the opportunity to readdress ourselves and how we are doing things in our career and our personal life. For me covid has given me the opportunity to pause and see just how unbalanced I am when it comes to my personal goals and wellbeing as well as my career goals.
For years I have preached that being an EMPATH is a constant struggle, one that we must always work on balancing. It is something that we must be aware of and adjust daily. And what I realized over the last few months is that I have failed miserably at doing just that. Sure, I have balanced on the surface, I try my best to not over help, and I do my best to recharge daily through meditation and other practices. But what I’ve really learned is that one person’s over helping and another’s is completely different. Over the last couple of years as my career has gotten busier and I’ve been focusing on helping my clients on a deeper level to achieve their goals whether that is on a personal level or in business, I have completely stopped focusing on myself. As the saying goes, I’ve let myself go.
I have become the walking a talking version of do as I say not as I do.
BUT the amazing news is I am someone who as spirit tells me over and over again, is someone who learns by going through things. I need to tangibly learn a lesson in order to really teach it and help others who are going through the same thing or similar. And boy oh boy, this lesson is a big one, made up of smaller and larger lessons within, but makes perfect sense. How can I truly help someone overcome things in their life just by reading a book or passing on a message or give them the typical do this and all will be well BS? How can I tell someone to adjust their lifestyle when I have never had to do that myself? How can I tell someone to balance their personal life and their career? How can I tell someone how to still help and care for others while caring for yourself? And the list of questions and lessons continue within this one scenario but the biggest of all is; How can I tell someone how to change themselves and to switch from “trying” to “doing” when I’m not “doing” myself?
As I adjusted my business to focus on helping others be accountable to themselves and their businesses. To balance themselves to achieve each goal they wanted to reach, I didn’t. I poured everything into helping and without noticing it I wasn’t doing what I was telling them to do. But Covid gave me that chance to step back and look at these lessons deeper. To realize that I needed to walk the talk, not just talk the talk. And I know that now that I have gathered that information plus all the information that I will learn in readjusting my life and “doing” it will only empower me more to really help others with those skills.
Perspective is an interesting tool, if we can learn to readjust our perspective and look at a situation from a place of “what am I learning in this”, rather than “why”, it can change everything. I know many of you reading this may feel that those two statements are very similar, and they are, but the big difference is approaching the situation from a positive view rather than a negative view.
The word “why” becomes this view of being a victim and discouragement, “why is this happening to me”. Where “what am I learning in this” is a positive viewpoint, what is the universe telling me, where is it pointing me to and what do I need to learn to readjust my life to be the best version of myself.
The trick in discovering the “what am I learning in this” is not to stop and focus on the situation, which often throws you into the “whys” but it is to “do” and continue to move forward as you learn what the situation is teaching you and what you need to take away from the situation. And many times, we will not even discover what those lessons are until we are “doing” and walking through it. It’s about moving forward, taking those baby steps and opening your eyes to what is around you and the hardest part is to be aware of yourself in the situation. Most times we are aware of what we need to do, fear may stop us or denial (which is us just lying to ourselves), but we must face it head on and move through it.
Spirit has always said to me that Fear is a beacon to our successes. If we walk towards it and walk through it, we will find not only that it isn’t as bad as we feared but that it is leading us to the amazing life that we want. I’m not going to lie to you, it will involve a lot of hard work and determination, which you are capable of whether you think you are or not. But in the end, it will be worth it, when you are happy, fulfilled and successful in all areas of your life.
How do we start walking the talk? How do we move towards our fears and what we know we should be doing instead of ignoring it and living in denial?
We take the baby step to do something today that we know we should do but do not want to do!! I have been told a few times from spirit a cute antidot about achieving our goals that may seem impossible; “how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.” So, with that said we need to focus on the now and what we can do in this moment, today to move towards how we want to be. We get off the couch and go for a walk around the block. Or we purge our pantry of processed foods and fill our fridge with health options and drink more water. Or we make calls to network in our business, expanding our circle. Or we create a social media account for our business. Or we learn something we know we need to learn. Or we purge our files and organize them. ETC!
We do one thing every day in each area of our lives personal and career that we do not want to do. We walk through it. And the next day you do it again, never looking at how big the journey or task is just focusing on what today’s opportunity is to do something we don’t want to do and be excited about it leading us towards our successes!
I challenge everyone that is reading this to do one thing every day that they don’t want to do! I’d love to hear what you are “doing” to move towards you being your best self! And if you find you need someone to help you along the way, you can check out my website and together we will get you to the goals you are wanting to achieve!
“Do. Or Do Not. There is no TRY. Yoda”
Manifesting - Does it work?
We have all been there, working at being positive, working at having the right mindset, working at sending out to the universe what it is that we want in our life. Then we sit, and we wait, and nothing happens. If we are focused on a specific time and event, that comes and goes and still no results. And that is when we throw all our manifesting books in the garbage, delete The Secret from our audiobook list and our Netflix my list. Our mindset flips and our belief that this whole manifesting thing works crashes and breaks into a million pieces. But here is the biggest and hardest part of manifesting; it’s all about knowing and trusting you will receive the best version of what you are manifesting and not EXPECTING it to happen.
We have all been there, working at being positive, working at having the right mindset, working at sending out to the universe what it is that we want in our life. Then we sit, and we wait, and nothing happens. If we are focused on a specific time and event, that comes and goes and still no results. And that is when we throw all our manifesting books in the garbage, delete The Secret from our audiobook list and our Netflix my list. Our mindset flips and our belief that this whole manifesting thing works crashes and breaks into a million pieces. But here is the biggest and hardest part of manifesting; it’s all about knowing and trusting you will receive the best version of what you are manifesting and not EXPECTING it to happen.
Manifesting does not work if you EXPECT the universe to reward you. It’s about knowing and trusting the universe will reward you. Knowing and trusting that the universe will provide you with what you are manifesting when it’s the right time and it will be exactly what you need not what you want.
The key is to continue to manifest, continue to have a positive attitude, and continue to walk forward towards your goals. When I first started to enhance my abilities, I heard a lot about “Let Go, Let God/Let Universe.” Manifesting is one part of the action in Let Go, Let Universe. Manifesting is more about a perspective and mindset than it is about actually receiving what you are trying to manifest.
When you switch your mindset, you switch your perspective. When you switch your perspective, you look at things completely differently. What that does, is it creates your energy to change from one of negativity and being a victim to the universe, to one of a Magnet, attracting positive things to you. The whole like attracts like theory.
Manifesting is not just about faking it to make it or just switching the words you use verbally or in your mind. That is just a start to flip your perspective. Those steps are the exercises you have to do to work out your brain. And by exercising it every day your brain will become strong and your perspective will completely change. And then your life will completely change!
This perspective is all about positivity and looking at life from that perspective. And NO that does not mean you have to be happy all the time or cheesy positive or nice all the time. It’s not about viewing life with rose coloured glasses on. This perspective is about gratitude, it’s about appreciating everything, good and bad. It’s about looking at things that happen and not saying “why me”, it’s about saying “what is this teaching me and how can I use that to reach my goals”. And then it is about continuing to move forward towards what it is you want in your life and how you want your life to look like.
So, where does that leave us when we are about to throw all our manifesting books out the window? Take a deep breath and keep going. Put the books back on your shelf for you to reference again, create a gratitude journal and make a to do list that leads you towards your goals.
You CAN DO THIS, and the universe will help and reward your hard work. It just may not be when you want it and look exactly like you think it will. Chances are it will be 100% better than you are asking for!
People think of manifesting like a diet, you do it for a bit to get results and then life will be awesome! Manifesting is a lifestyle, just like improving your health, it’s not something that you do for a few weeks and all will be wonderful in your world. It’s about changing your lifestyle, changing your perspective and mindset forever and then your view of the world changes and because of that positive things start to happen in your life.
Manifesting is a lifestyle and when you approach it that way you will be successful in reaching all your goals and bringing in the positive changes you want in your life. Manifesting is a way of being not a quick fix.
Let go and let it flow
When you are developing your psychic abilities, learning to connect more, and using divinations the key is to focus, do the work and then let it flow. Actually, this same practice relates to life in general, we need to do our part and then allow the energy to flow.
The ‘flow’ part is one of the hardest things to do. We have all been taught to work hard, make things happen, and if something isn’t working or connecting work even harder. It is not that I’m telling you not to work hard, of course we need to, to be able to learn and achieve the things we want but there is a huge element that we are not taught. We need to allow the energy to flow, allow the universe to do its part. Think of it as the infinity sign – one side is you the other the universe and spirit, all things flow into each other we put out what we need, and the universe returns the answer – the universe gives us a message and we receive it and do our part and the flow continues.
When you are developing your psychic abilities, learning to connect more, and using divinations the key is to focus, do the work and then let it flow. Actually, this same practice relates to life in general, we need to do our part and then allow the energy to flow.
The ‘flow’ part is one of the hardest things to do. We have all been taught to work hard, make things happen, and if something isn’t working or connecting work even harder. It is not that I’m telling you not to work hard, of course we need to, to be able to learn and achieve the things we want but there is a huge element that we are not taught. We need to allow the energy to flow, allow the universe to do its part. Think of it as the infinity sign – one side is you the other the universe and spirit, all things flow into each other we put out what we need, and the universe returns the answer – the universe gives us a message and we receive it and do our part and the flow continues.
With spiritual abilities and learning a divination we can learn the foundation of the skill, but until you allow the energy to flow and the messages to flow through you it will feel like you are inside a soundproof room and spirit is on the other side speaking with you, and sure you may get the odd mumbled sound through, but it will not be clear. I remember when I was learning tarot years ago, I struggled and struggled because I hadn’t learned this valuable skill. I’d have the cards and the handy little book. I would do the spread, stare at the cards, and check the book for the meanings every second I could. Sure, I got a message, but it was muted and didn’t completely make sense. But once I just let go and let it flow – wow the difference was incredible. I had learned the spreads, I had read the meanings of the cards, did some research, took some classes – I had done the foundational work – but once I allowed it to just flow and trust myself and the messages I was receiving from spirit – it felt different – it felt connected, and it just flowed through me.
When I teach my classes I see this with my students at times, they are working so hard at receiving a message that they actually block it and then while they are sitting and listening to others deliver their messages, they relax, and a message just flows through them.
This is why many people find they receive messages when they are doing either a creative (something that makes them fulfilled) or day to day chores. We let go of all the noise around us and are just focused on what we are doing that we remove all the pressure and messages just start flowing. Have you ever been confused about a situation or overthinking an issue and then as you are cooking or cleaning or taking a shower – BAM – the answer/solution just pops into your mind? That is because you let it go for a moment – and it just flowed.
It is a skill to let go and let it flow, but with some practice you can apply it to every part of your life. Do the work, build the foundation, and let the energy flow out into the universe and the message or opportunity will flow back to you.
Being An Empath - Sacrificing Yourself for Others
Being an empath is hard, hands down to me it is one of the hardest things to be. Not only does an empath feel things 1000 times stronger than the average person but to balance an empath must go against their nature.
Here is a funny but not so funny story of being an empath. A week ago, I was in a pretty serious (see even being an empath prevents me from just admitting it was very serious) cycling accident – the how’s and why’s I will not bother you with, but I ended up over a tiny cliff, body wrapped around some tree trunks and my bike, and my face firmly planted in the ground. Ouch – right?!?!? Most non-empaths would have lied there in pain, absorbing what just happened, making sure they were ok and worrying about themselves. Call 911 – bring in the ambulance!!
Being an empath is hard, hands down to me it is one of the hardest things to be. Not only does an empath feel things 1000 times stronger than the average person but to balance an empath must go against their nature.
Here is a funny but not so funny story of being an empath. A week ago, I was in a pretty serious (see even being an empath prevents me from just admitting it was very serious) cycling accident – the how’s and why’s I will not bother you with, but I ended up over a tiny cliff, body wrapped around some tree trunks and my bike, and my face firmly planted in the ground. Ouch – right?!?!? Most non-empaths would have lied there in pain, absorbing what just happened, making sure they were ok and worrying about themselves. Call 911 – bring in the ambulance!!
But no not this empath – I scrambled to my feet, blood dripping down my face, my stomach raging in pain and my thigh muscle feeling larger and larger every second. I knew soon I would not be able to bend my leg. My concern was not for my wellbeing or even my bikes – it was for my husband. My concern was immediately ‘omg I need to be ok, act ok, say I’m ok and just brush it off until I can get home away from him and then I will take care of myself.’ You see my husband is an empath as well – and one that can’t handle when the people he loves are in pain – it’s a bit over the top to be honest, but when the kids were little he had to leave the room as the doctors gave them their needles and then his Scottish warrior side would come out and he would be angry at the doctor for inflicting the pain. I’d often hear ‘did you see how aggressive she poked our daughter’. So I knew he would not be able to deal well with me being seriously injured – and I went full empath. Pushing away my pain and suffering and focused on him.
My first goal was to stop the blood that was pouring down my face and make it seems like it was just a scratch – pulling out a Kleenex from my jacket (always a mom – you never know when someone may need a Kleenex) I held it to my head and repeat it’s fine, its fine just a scratch, as he freaked out saying I was going to need stitches. My chin and cheek were also bleeding but I just brushed it off, ‘ah just a bit of road rash, all good’. Meanwhile I’m in shock, my body shaking my stomach raging and my leg pulsing in pain. I direct him to focus and to grab my bike. The whole-time making jokes like it’s all good. He straightened up my wheels and checks over my bike while I put pressure on the slice in my forehead. Thankfully the cut stops bleeding, and it calms the situation down, everything else that hurts is hidden. Well, that was until he pulled up my shirt to look at my stomach and freaked as it was already purple, he went into lectures about internal bleeding and his Scottishness started puking out his mouth – lots of ‘god woman what did you do’! I again downplayed it – oh it’s just red and my stretch marks make it look purple – the whole time I’m screaming in my head ‘oh crap, I messed up this time, because this really freak’n hurts’. But put a smile on my face and carried on.
I get back on my bike, secure my helmet over my cut hoping it will hold the cut shut and it wont reopen it, and proceed to drive the 10 km plus home. The whole time my head was wobbly my leg was pounding, muscles getting tighter and tighter and my stomach was raging even more. But every time he would turn and ask me if I was ok, my concern was not about myself it was him, ‘yup all good, I’m fine’.
Once home, he demanded that we go to emergency – “I said I didn’t think I needed to but ok” again trying to downplay it so he would be ok, it didn’t matter if I was bleeding out internally. Thankfully I had no internal bleeding, but I did end up with a concussion, broken nose, bruising of my stomach and area and a torn thigh muscle, plus multiple other scraps and bruises. I have heard from several Doctors that I’m very lucky that I didn’t hurt myself more. And that I would have been stupid not to go to emergency. Note taken, but I’m an empath – others before us – even if it involves launching off a cliff.
Now this isn’t a story about poor me, hurting myself, this is a story about how crazy it is to be a strong empath. One that will do everything in her abilities to make someone else comfortable and not worried. Being an empath is hard, it is one of our life lessons to balance that, and one that even working on it for many years I have obviously not learned. Oh I can say ‘No’ now, but when it comes to the people I love, balance goes out the window and I become an Empath Superwoman. I’m not sure if I will ever be able to balance that part, because even in my healing journey I still find myself downplaying my symptoms to make other people not worry.
Over the years I have heard many stories of empaths sacrificing their wellbeing to protect the ones they love. I’d love to hear your empath stories and how being an empath came raging out of you even if it was not in your best interest. Sure, we empaths, put others before us often, but do you have a crazed empath moment that rises even above the norm? Share in the comments I’d love to hear your stories!!
A Spiritual Energy Cleansing Bath!
It tis the season for hustle and bustle. With Covid restrictions a thing of the past we are all partying like Rockstars. Friends are having people over, work parties are in full swing and holiday visits are on the top of our to do lists. Never mind all the holiday shopping and rushing around. With all that peopling and aura clashing it is a must for most of us but especially those of us who are sensitive to energy to cleanse our aura and re-energize ourselves. The best way to do that is with a Spiritual Energy Cleansing Bath!
It tis the season for hustle and bustle. With Covid restrictions a thing of the past we are all partying like Rockstars. Friends are having people over, work parties are in full swing and holiday visits are on the top of our to do lists. Never mind all the holiday shopping and rushing around. With all that peopling and aura clashing it is a must for most of us but especially those of us who are sensitive to energy to cleanse our aura and re-energize ourselves. The best way to do that is with a Spiritual Energy Cleansing Bath!
As people sensitive to energy we are told that we must be like a screen not a sponge – we need to allow energy to flow through us and not absorb any of it. But seriously, is that possible? No matter how much we practice and hone our gifts and become the ‘screen’, debris of other people’s energy sticks to our aura. And over time, that debris builds and starts to affect our own energy. We can do daily meditation and brush our auras which really does help but just like our house sometimes it’s a good idea to give it a deep clean that clears out all the build-up, leaving you refreshed and ready to go and celebrate again!
Here is a great recipe for a spiritual energy cleansing bath. It is fabulous to use this throughout the year, depending on how busy you are with work and activities, I would recommend doing it a minimum of once a month. But with this crazy busy holiday season I would suggest doing it at least once a week. You should cleanse yourself after a busy work week and especially after dinners/parties. This will give you energy to move through the next week and any events and then make sure to cleanse yourself after removing any energies you picked up.
Spiritual Energy Cleansing Bath;
Fill the tub with warm water
1 cup (or more depending on how you feel) Table/Sea Salt (Epsom will work as well)
½ box baking soda
3 pieces of Lemon
7 drops of essential oil – either Sandal wood, Frankincense or Florida water (if you have no essential oils you can use your favourite perfume)
Wash yourself thoroughly. Rub your body with the lemon and don’t forget to dunk your head under the water cleansing your crown chakra. If you do not have a bath and are doing it in the shower mix the ingredients in a clean bucket or large bowl with water and clean yourself with the mixture – don’t forget to rub yourself with the lemons and then when you are finished you can dump the remaining mixture over your head.
When you are finished it is best to air dry and not towel off. If you are in a hurry you can pat dry but best to air dry.
You are now ready to take on the next event!!! This is great to do after stressful events or meetings as well!