Journey to the BEST ME! Walking Through Fear!!
Releasing “Journey to the BEST ME”, has changed so much for me in such a short period of time! I often tell my clients that fear is a beacon to success, and it is 100% accurate. If you have 4 opportunities and 3 are comfortable and one is scary – the scary opportunity is where the most success and growth will be!! You must walk towards that one, and walk through the fear! Not only will you realize it wasn’t that scary, you will achieve so much more than you could ever imagine.
Day 15
July 3, 2023
Weight = 182
Hips = 45.5
Waist = 42.00
Arm = 13
Thigh = 21
Chest = 45
Solar plex = 41
*Update - although I didn’t lose much weight or inches the last couple of weeks – I do feel much better. I have more energy and I’m feeling less bloated and yucky! I moved my body every day and I ate better. Most times when you decide to change your life, roadblocks or hurdles appear, there is always something happening to pull you off your journey. This past week it was my husband’s birthday, and our friend Luca made his famous tiramisu – and I wasn’t going to miss out on that. Because hey, life is to be lived and it’s about finding balance. I did drink my water every day, minimum of 2L and ate healthier. I also overcame a few major fears, which is what the blog below is all about, and how important it is for us to walk through fear!
The next few weeks are going to be really interesting, for my journey, I can’t wait to share it with you all in the coming blogs.
Walking through Fear!
Releasing “Journey to the BEST ME”, has changed so much for me in such a short period of time! I often tell my clients that fear is a beacon to success, and it is 100% accurate. If you have 4 opportunities and 3 are comfortable and one is scary – the scary opportunity is where the most success and growth will be!! You must walk towards that one, and walk through the fear! Not only will you realize it wasn’t that scary, you will achieve so much more than you could ever imagine.
I delayed starting this blog for years, for many reasons; the fear of admitting that I don’t walk the talk. The fear of failure – what if I’m not able to do this. The fear of success – what if this is successful – I have no idea what that would look like – although it excites me it completely scares me as well. And just plain old fear of having to do certain things I’m afraid of, speaking in front of a camera, coming centre stage and it being about me – I’m so much better at guiding others to shine than shinning myself, and then there is fear from my accident, plus many others.
I walked through a couple fears by hitting publish on my blog and my vlog. I just jumped in feet first. I told myself that if I sucked in front of the camera – that’s ok, I will learn to be better. If I look horrible in front of the camera – that it will be interesting to see how I change through my journey. I published my weight and measurements – it will be inspiring to show what works and what doesn’t and how feeling better is more important than the numbers – but honestly it will be really interesting to see how it changes based on my actions or lack of actions.
The results of just doing those few steps, crossing those fear thresholds were shocking! Sure I physically feel better, but a few things that I have been working towards for my business and self-growth fell in place almost immediately. I’m still spinning from the opportunity that presented itself within a few hours of pressing publish. I always tell my clients and students that walking forward in one area of your life will ripple into the other areas of your life and that the universe works in mysterious ways. It sure does! Oh and that manifesting really does work when you do it correctly (but that will be another blog).
The next BIG fear and the one that I honestly didn’t think would be hard at all, and it ended up being the biggest fear out of all of it so far. Getting back on my bike after having a bad cycling accident in September 2022.
Here is the blog all about what happened:
I went for a couple rides on some paved paths and for the most part that was really enjoyable and I felt very proud of myself for getting back in the saddle again. But Saturday July 1st was a bigger challenge; we rode to the scene of the accident. Although we didn’t venture down to the water, and up the steep climb (where I drove off the cliff), we did drive through the park and up the one big hill. I was doing great, until we were at the top of the hill and we had to get back down…the drive down isn’t too steep but it isn’t a mild incline either. The fear kicked in due to the conditions in the park, it was extremely humid and early in the morning, the grass was covered in dew and extremely slippery. My husband shot down the hill like the pro that he is, I started and just as I crested the peak, I slammed my breaks on. Fear was coursing through me, and I was quite shocked, truth told. I had flash backs of crashing and the pain that I had to endure for months while I slowly recovered. I contemplated getting off my bike and walking it down the incline, but I sucked it up and I just told myself, “slow and steady”. Keeping a firm grip on my handle bars and squeezing my brakes just enough to keep a calm speed I made it to the bottom in one piece.
As I sit here typing this I’m so happy and proud of myself for not giving in to my fear! So much so that if it wasn’t thundering and lightening, I would hop back on my bike and do it again!
As Franklin Roosevelt said “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” Fear truly is an illusion we create for many reasons. Learning to walk through it we will realize so many things about ourselves and what we are capable of doing. Not only will you be incredibly empowered by doing it and proud of yourself, you will be creating a forward motion within the universal energy that will ripple into other areas of your life and move other things forward in your life. The universe will see that you are ready for more positive things in your life and will bring you people, opportunity and rewards to help you achieve the success that you are meant to have!
Remember “The only person you should try to better than is the person you were yesterday!”
If you want to join me on my journey – go to my facebook group “Journey to the BEST ME”. I will be posting challenges and new information as it comes in. For extra motivation check out my socials, I’m always sharing motivation information, affirmations and much more to keep you going forward. And if you need a little extra guidance check out my website and let’s do a session together to figure out what blocks you have and how you can move through them!
Journey to the BEST ME! Intro!
oday I’m starting “Journey to the BEST ME”, it is going to be a journey of wellbeing. A journey of body, mind, and spirit. I am going to not just focus on wellness but a complete wellbeing journey; mindset, mental health, knowledge, career, finances, fitness & nutrition. I am going to take my own (and spirits) advise and I’m going to walk the talk.
Day 1
June 19, 2023
Weight = 185.6
Hips = 46.5
Waist = 43.00
Arm = 13
Thigh = 21
Chest = 45
Solar plex = 41
Who, What, Why!
Some of you know me, others may not. I am Lisa Anne Rooney, I am an Intuitive Life Coach and Author. I spend my days giving others insight, guidance, and motivation to be their best selves! YET! I do not do it for myself. I’m an expert in my field but feel like a complete hypocrite because I do not walk the talk! Oh, I have every excuse under the sun why I don’t; from being an empath (someone who helps everyone and then has zero energy to do for themselves), to peri-menopause (yes I’m 57 and still have a regular period (man I’m too old for this) but have many peri-menopause issues – the top being I feel like I’m on 24/7 PMS cravings and moods), plus a million other excuses. But when it comes down to it, I know exactly what I need to do – I just don’t do it! Well, that changes today!
Today I’m starting “Journey to the BEST ME”, it is going to be a journey of wellbeing. A journey of body, mind, and spirit. I am going to not just focus on wellness but a complete wellbeing journey; mindset, mental health, knowledge, career, finances, fitness & nutrition. I am going to take my own (and spirits) advise and I’m going to walk the talk. Oh, and BTW I’ve said this a MILLION times before and I’ve even attempted to start this blog/vlog multiple times. But this time, is the time, as a believer in everything happens for a reason, when, and how it’s supposed to happen, I know the universe has been gently and not so gently kicking me in the arse to do this NOW!. There have been so many universe nudges that I know I’m meant to do this for myself, for my family and for others out there who are struggling like I am, who know they want to be the best version of themselves in all areas of their lives but either have no clue where to start, are afraid to start or just lack the support and motivation. I hope to inspire, guide, and bring insight to myself and others. I am going to speak with experts in different fields, I’m going to speak with others who have done a similar journey and have reached milestones and I’m going to speak to others who are in the trenches with us. Along with doing my own research and experiments that I will share with you all providing you with down to earth, grounded, real insight giving you my honest opinion in what works, doesn’t work and what are the pros and cons.
The lists of whys are endless. BUT, when it comes down to it, I feel like crap! My joints hurt, I’ve gained weight, I’m not feeling like myself, the self that is locked inside of me that is screaming to get out! The self that knows I can do more, have more and be more! I want to improve many areas of my life and although it starts with health and fitness it is only a building block to being the BEST ME!
And like many of us, the universe has slowly pushed me to the breaking point aka is helping me and motivating me by creating situations in my life that force me to do this! I know I’m not alone in this, many of us need a reason besides ourselves or if it is about us, we need to be pushed into a corner to come out fighting and take action. I’m sure there have been a ton of other signs and pushes from the universe but these are the ones that I’ve finally recognized. It started with my daughter and her health, she has been on a very long journey with hypothyroidism and has now been diagnosed with Hashimoto’s, and is currently going through testing to see if she has Lupus. My son has leaky gut and many food intolerances as well as allergies, my husband is on a mission to be the best him – he is the best out of all of us at doing this, and me; well as I’ve stated I’m in the longest peri-menopause known to man or I should say woman, I decided to get tests done to see why I feel as crappy as I do and found out I have Hashimoto’s as well! Which explains A LOT!
So, I’m pushed into that corner, because of those reasons above plus many others in other areas of my life which I will get into in other posts. NOW is the right time! The one thing I do 100% know about myself is that I’m not great at doing for myself, taking care of myself or being my best for me, BUT I am amazing at doing for others, helping, guiding and motivating others so with that in mind I’m starting “Journey to the BEST ME” because I know that if I’m doing it for my family and for anyone who sees this (because whoever needs it will see it) than I’m 200% motivated to do it for those reasons rather than simply for myself. It’s the old use what skills you have, to enhance your life, rather than hinder your life. Flipping my natural instinct on its head I’m going to motivate myself by knowing and hoping I will be helping others by helping myself!
My goal is to help others, and to gather and share as much information as I can, by speaking with experts, trying different things, and sharing my experiences and just having fun – this doesn’t have to be torture! I want to bash down all fears around, fitness, health, food, career, relationship, finances and much more!
But let’s get serious and real for a moment – my first goal is all about health and fitness and yes losing weight (I am a believer that the number doesn’t matter but how you feel does – but I know I’ve gained weight and I feel like crap – so in this instance – weight matters). Which leads me to GOAL NUMBER 1; start this channel/blog/vlog – walking across that fear threshold and doing it – taking that first step! I feel embarrassed, ashamed and like I want to crawl into a cave and stay there rather than admit all of this – but I’m not going to do that this time! By pressing publish on this blog and my YouTube channel and social posts I’m committing to this journey! Woo Hoo! Look at me go – goal one is done and dusted!
GOAL NUMBER 2 – lose weight and feel better about myself by August 26th! I have a wedding to attend and I’m going to utilize that date as motivation to get going on this journey! I’m not setting a number for weight loss – everything I know about myself and what spirit has taught me over the years is that by doing that it really demotivates me and some people. Others it motivates and people like me it does the opposite. If I don’t reach said goal for the week, ie lose 2 pounds or even a pound whichever the goal is, I will crash and burn, I will crack open that bag of chips, eat that GIANT piece of cake or go through the nearest drive thru and throw up my hands and say screw it. So…. no numbers just improvement in how I feel, with a goal to lose some weight in that time period but no set amount. Now, I’m not saying that I don’t have an ultimate goal in mind – that peak of Mount Everest that I want to summit – because at this moment it does feel like I am about to start to climb Everest – but the amazing thing is I’ve heard a million times from spirit when helping my clients that its one day at a time, one baby step at a time. Don’t focus on the top of the mountain but focus on each step. That is my approach to this whole journey!
I’m sure you might be asking – well then why share your weight and measurements? Good question, well, because it is about a journey and seeing results are like research and statistics, they are motivating and if no results happen it is great to see because we will all experience that in our journeys and will have to adjust as we go, adding things and taking things away. There may be a point when I remove those from my blog posts but for now it is something I’m focusing on to feel the BEST ME, while learning and growing other areas of my life as well.
This week to start I’m going to move my body more, walks, row, and bike – not all in one day and not to extremes – baby steps. I’m going to drink 2 – 4L of water a day and I’m going to eat a carnivore diet (I can hear all my vegan relatives and friends take a deep breath in and gasp in horror – but I have my reasons which is a whole blog, actually multiple blogs in itself – but I suggest people take a look at Bear Grylls journey from being an advocate of veganism to now being a carnivore). Let’s just say when it comes to Hashimoto’s and hypothyroidism and leaky gut carnivore seems the best approach. I’m also going to add having a sauna in to my day at least 4 times a week (the benefits of saunas are crazy, from mental health, heart health, skin, etc; many blogs to come about saunas as well!)
I hope you will watch and join me on this Jouney to the BEST ME. I will be documenting it in my blog, doing vlogs on my YouTube channels, and all my socials. My Facebook group - Journey to the BEST ME! I share helpful hints, daily updates, recipes, and 30 day challenges.
I hope you join along – and let’s do this! I know you can be the BEST YOU