Let go and let it flow
When you are developing your psychic abilities, learning to connect more, and using divinations the key is to focus, do the work and then let it flow. Actually, this same practice relates to life in general, we need to do our part and then allow the energy to flow.
The ‘flow’ part is one of the hardest things to do. We have all been taught to work hard, make things happen, and if something isn’t working or connecting work even harder. It is not that I’m telling you not to work hard, of course we need to, to be able to learn and achieve the things we want but there is a huge element that we are not taught. We need to allow the energy to flow, allow the universe to do its part. Think of it as the infinity sign – one side is you the other the universe and spirit, all things flow into each other we put out what we need, and the universe returns the answer – the universe gives us a message and we receive it and do our part and the flow continues.
With spiritual abilities and learning a divination we can learn the foundation of the skill, but until you allow the energy to flow and the messages to flow through you it will feel like you are inside a soundproof room and spirit is on the other side speaking with you, and sure you may get the odd mumbled sound through, but it will not be clear. I remember when I was learning tarot years ago, I struggled and struggled because I hadn’t learned this valuable skill. I’d have the cards and the handy little book. I would do the spread, stare at the cards, and check the book for the meanings every second I could. Sure, I got a message, but it was muted and didn’t completely make sense. But once I just let go and let it flow – wow the difference was incredible. I had learned the spreads, I had read the meanings of the cards, did some research, took some classes – I had done the foundational work – but once I allowed it to just flow and trust myself and the messages I was receiving from spirit – it felt different – it felt connected, and it just flowed through me.
When I teach my classes I see this with my students at times, they are working so hard at receiving a message that they actually block it and then while they are sitting and listening to others deliver their messages, they relax, and a message just flows through them.
This is why many people find they receive messages when they are doing either a creative (something that makes them fulfilled) or day to day chores. We let go of all the noise around us and are just focused on what we are doing that we remove all the pressure and messages just start flowing. Have you ever been confused about a situation or overthinking an issue and then as you are cooking or cleaning or taking a shower – BAM – the answer/solution just pops into your mind? That is because you let it go for a moment – and it just flowed.
It is a skill to let go and let it flow, but with some practice you can apply it to every part of your life. Do the work, build the foundation, and let the energy flow out into the universe and the message or opportunity will flow back to you.