Walk the talk! Do something today that you don't want to do!

As someone who spends my days advising others how to move forward in their lives, move towards their successes and be the best version of themselves, I like many others who’s, career focus’ on helping others like me do not always walk the talk.  What Covid 19 has shown me, is just how much time I spend helping others and completely ignoring myself and not following my own advice.  

Covid 19 has been a gift for many people, it has flipped our normal routines upside down and given us the opportunity to readdress ourselves and how we are doing things in our career and our personal life.  For me covid has given me the opportunity to pause and see just how unbalanced I am when it comes to my personal goals and wellbeing as well as my career goals.  

For years I have preached that being an EMPATH is a constant struggle, one that we must always work on balancing.  It is something that we must be aware of and adjust daily.  And what I realized over the last few months is that I have failed miserably at doing just that. Sure, I have balanced on the surface, I try my best to not over help, and I do my best to recharge daily through meditation and other practices.  But what I’ve really learned is that one person’s over helping and another’s is completely different.  Over the last couple of years as my career has gotten busier and I’ve been focusing on helping my clients on a deeper level to achieve their goals whether that is on a personal level or in business, I have completely stopped focusing on myself.   As the saying goes, I’ve let myself go.  

I have become the walking a talking version of do as I say not as I do.  

BUT the amazing news is I am someone who as spirit tells me over and over again, is someone who learns by going through things.  I need to tangibly learn a lesson in order to really teach it and help others who are going through the same thing or similar.  And boy oh boy, this lesson is a big one, made up of smaller and larger lessons within, but makes perfect sense.  How can I truly help someone overcome things in their life just by reading a book or passing on a message or give them the typical do this and all will be well BS?  How can I tell someone to adjust their lifestyle when I have never had to do that myself? How can I tell someone to balance their personal life and their career?  How can I tell someone how to still help and care for others while caring for yourself?  And the list of questions and lessons continue within this one scenario but the biggest of all is; How can I tell someone how to change themselves and to switch from “trying” to “doing” when I’m not “doing” myself? 

As I adjusted my business to focus on helping others be accountable to themselves and their businesses.  To balance themselves to achieve each goal they wanted to reach, I didn’t.  I poured everything into helping and without noticing it I wasn’t doing what I was telling them to do.  But Covid gave me that chance to step back and look at these lessons deeper.  To realize that I needed to walk the talk, not just talk the talk.  And I know that now that I have gathered that information plus all the information that I will learn in readjusting my life and “doing” it will only empower me more to really help others with those skills. 

Perspective is an interesting tool, if we can learn to readjust our perspective and look at a situation from a place of “what am I learning in this”, rather than “why”, it can change everything.  I know many of you reading this may feel that those two statements are very similar, and they are, but the big difference is approaching the situation from a positive view rather than a negative view.  

The word “why” becomes this view of being a victim and discouragement, “why is this happening to me”.  Where “what am I learning in this” is a positive viewpoint, what is the universe telling me, where is it pointing me to and what do I need to learn to readjust my life to be the best version of myself.  

The trick in discovering the “what am I learning in this” is not to stop and focus on the situation, which often throws you into the “whys” but it is to “do” and continue to move forward as you learn what the situation is teaching you and what you need to take away from the situation.  And many times, we will not even discover what those lessons are until we are “doing” and walking through it.  It’s about moving forward, taking those baby steps and opening your eyes to what is around you and the hardest part is to be aware of yourself in the situation.  Most times we are aware of what we need to do, fear may stop us or denial (which is us just lying to ourselves), but we must face it head on and move through it. 

Spirit has always said to me that Fear is a beacon to our successes.  If we walk towards it and walk through it, we will find not only that it isn’t as bad as we feared but that it is leading us to the amazing life that we want.  I’m not going to lie to you, it will involve a lot of hard work and determination, which you are capable of whether you think you are or not.  But in the end, it will be worth it, when you are happy, fulfilled and successful in all areas of your life. 

How do we start walking the talk? How do we move towards our fears and what we know we should be doing instead of ignoring it and living in denial? 

We take the baby step to do something today that we know we should do but do not want to do!!  I have been told a few times from spirit a cute antidot about achieving our goals that may seem impossible; “how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.”  So, with that said we need to focus on the now and what we can do in this moment, today to move towards how we want to be.  We get off the couch and go for a walk around the block. Or we purge our pantry of processed foods and fill our fridge with health options and drink more water.  Or we make calls to network in our business, expanding our circle. Or we create a social media account for our business. Or we learn something we know we need to learn. Or we purge our files and organize them.  ETC! 

 We do one thing every day in each area of our lives personal and career that we do not want to do.  We walk through it.  And the next day you do it again, never looking at how big the journey or task is just focusing on what today’s opportunity is to do something we don’t want to do and be excited about it leading us towards our successes!  

I challenge everyone that is reading this to do one thing every day that they don’t want to do!  I’d love to hear what you are “doing” to move towards you being your best self! And if you find you need someone to help you along the way, you can check out my website and together we will get you to the goals you are wanting to achieve!  

“Do. Or Do Not. There is no TRY.  Yoda” 


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