Recorded Reading – no appointment necessary

A recorded reading; you send up to 10 questions (anything you’d like answered, career, finances, love) that you would like Spirit and I to answered and up to 4 photos of living people you’d like information on (please label photos ie husband, sister etc), plus a photo of yourself. I do an in-depth personal tarot/spirit reading, answer your questions with spirit, get messages and insight into the photos that you sent. I voice record the session and send it to you via email.  Approximately 30 – 45 minutes long. You will receive the recording within 25 business days after you send the questions/photos.

URGENT Recorded Reading – receive your reading within 24 hours of sending information.

1:1 Video Reading; (email for available dates and times)

An in-depth one on one reading via video conference. Space is limited. Email me at for availability or check availability and book directly from the store.

Also available;

Weekly and Monthly personal mini recorded readings – quick readings that keep you motivated to move forward, gives you insight into what your week or month is going to look like, where you need to focus to achieve your successes! Recorded and sent to you via text, WhatsApp or email.

For more information on any of my services please feel free to contact me @